وصف الكنز
- مكان الحفظ: 250 B.C.-200 B.C.
- الاكتشاف: 1949
- تقسيم و ترتيب القطع: M. Wallace, Toronto
- التوصيف: دراخما: 79, Triobol: 1
مكان اكتشاف القطعة
- التوصيف: Greece, central
- Falls Within: Central Greece (Greece)
- Ancient Place: Hellas
- الطراز: first level subdivisions (political entities)
- ملاحظات: Although the two lots are listed separately, Wallace indicates his belief that they are from the same hd. In connection with no. 11, he describes other material said to have been included in the find but points out that this is highly unlikely