Tell el Maskhouta (anc. Pithom-Heroopolis), 17 km. W of Ismailia
400 B.C.-370 B.C.
6000+ coins
Berry, A Numismatic Biography (Lucerne 1971), pp. 67, 69-72, nos. 355-7, 362-96, illus., Bivar, BSOAS 1961, p. 193 (possible presence of silver plate), Jungfleisch, RN 1949, pp. 27-34 (3800 coins examined), Naster, RBN 1948, pp. 5-14, illus. (305 coins examined; 1 with profile eye pl. 1, 12 but not 4th cent. type ?); 1949, pp. 124-5, Robinson, NC 1947, pp. 113-21, illus. (262 coins examined), Robinson, NC 1950, p. 298 (possible presence of Phoenician coins), Varoucha, BCH 1949, p. 520
Evans, NC 1891, pp. 268-70, 364-73, Jenkins, Gela, p. 149, Salinas, NSc 1888, pp. 302-13, illus., Tusa Cutroni, AIIN 1956, p. 208, no. X (adds 12 pieces to Salinas list)