Fischer, Penn. Univ. Museum Journal 1923, p. 239, Fitzgerald, Beth-Shan Excavations 1921-23. The Arab and Byzantine Levels (Philadelphia, 1931), p. 33, Kadman, INCJ, hoard 9
160 AV, ? AR. Found in chamber 1 of temple treasury with gold ornaments and silver vessels (cf. nos. 1679, 1729): 108 AV coins noted in IGCH (Added 52 coins to this group) in addition to 1 [uncertain], which has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to at least 161 coins
AA 1906, p. 135, Bulletin de l'Art ancien et moderne 1905, p. 326, Comptes-rendus de l'Academie des Inscriptions 1905, p. 535, Eddé, Boll. di Num. 1905, pp. 129 (= Yehia hoard), 141, Edgar, ASA 1906, pp. 205-11, L'Illustration Jan./1906, p. 63, Maspero, JDébats 359 (1905), Milne, JEA 1941, pp. 135-7 (Svoronos references for 108 specimens), RN 1906, p. 76, Rostovtzeff, SEH, pp. 374, 390 (illus. of gold ornaments), Svoronos, Ptolemies 4, pp. 404-15, nos. 181-715A
Brett, ANSMN 5 (1952), p. 7, note 3, Newell, Num 1924, p. 301 ("exclusively" the types cited; unlikely therefore that no. 1682 above could be part of the present hd.)