Babelon, RN 1912, pp. 1-40, illus. (= Mélanges 4, pp. 304-43), Kraay, NC 1956, p. 49, Orsi, AttiMemIIN 1919, p. 29, Vlasto, through whose hands the bulk of the hd. passed, was convinced that the whole formed a single find. This firsthand opinion should carry more weight than Orsi's subsequent claim that the "hoard" was a conflation of several finds
Cahn, Naxos, p. 85, Cavedoni, BullInst 1855, p. 171, Evans, NC 1891, pp. 374-6, Jenkins, Gela, p. 158, Pogwisch, BullInst 1853, pp. 153-8, Riccio, BullInst 1854, p. xxxix
Evans, NC 1891, pp. 268-70, 364-73, Jenkins, Gela, p. 149, Salinas, NSc 1888, pp. 302-13, illus., Tusa Cutroni, AIIN 1956, p. 208, no. X (adds 12 pieces to Salinas list)
AN 1890, p. 184 and Procès-verbaux, p. 9 report as many as 150 decadr., Currò Pisanò, AIIN 1962-4, p. 221, Evans, NC 1891, pp. 217-54, illus., Jenkins, ANSCent., p. 377