AR. With AR jewelry: 1 coin noted in IGCH in addition to 1 [uncertain], which has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to 2 coins of a group of at least 2+ coins
Moisil, Balcania 1944, p. 15, no. 18, Popescu, Studi si referate privind istoria României, pp. 91-104
AR. Pot hoard: Uncertain count noted in IGCH including 2 [uncertain], which each has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to 2 coins of a group of at least 2+ coins
AR. Pot hoard: Uncertain count noted in IGCH including 2 [uncertain], which each has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to 2 coins of a group of at least 2+ coins
Martian, Repertoriu arheologic pentru Ardeal (Bistrita, 1920), s.v. no. 136, Mitrea, ED 10 (1945), p. 67
Nevrokop (mod. Goce Delčev; anc. Nicopolis ad Nestum), Bulgaria
500 B.C.-475 B.C.
AR. Small pot hoard: 1 coin noted in IGCH in addition to 1 [uncertain], which has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to at least 2 coins of a group of at least 2+ coins