Brown, NC 1950, p. 186, Dunbabin, BSA 42 (1947), p. 192, Holloway, ANSMN 17 (1971), pp. 1-21, illus., Kraay, JHS 1964, p. 79, Le Rider, Monn. crét., p. 168
AR: Uncertain count noted in IGCH including 1 [uncertain], which has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to 1 coin of a group of at least 2+ coins
AR: Uncertain count noted in IGCH including 2 [uncertain], which each has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to 2 coins of a group of at least 2+ coins
Borrell, NC 1843-4, p. 134, Wroth, NC 1884, pp. 272-4