Bellinger, Berytus 1950-1, pp. 37-49 (140 spec.), illus., Dunand, Fouilles de Byblos I, 1926-1932 (Paris, 1937-9), pp. 409-52, nos. 6309-6449, illus., Le Rider, CIN 1961. Relazioni, p. 71, Naster, INCJ, pp. 5, 10
Newell, Tyrus, p. 10; Sidon-Ake, p. 58, Voetter, A manuscript account of find in Vienna Cabinet. Transscript of this MS by E. T. Newell at ANS (949 spec.)
Eckhel, Doctrina num. vet. 1, p. lxxxii, Mowat, CorNum, pp. 192-3, Pellerin, Mélanges de diverses médailles 1 (Paris, 1765), pp. 104-40, illus., Regling, ZfN 1928, p. 94, Rostovtzeff, Anatolian Stud. Buckler, pp. 290 f., Seyrig, RN 1963, p. 62; Antiq. syr. 6 (Paris, 1966), p. 9, note 4; Trésors du Levant (in press)
Bellinger, AJA 1938, p. 318, Rostovtzeff, Anatolian Stud. Buckler, p. 290 g, Seyrig, RN 1963, p. 62; Antiq. syr. 6 (Paris, 1966), p. 9, note 4; Trésors du Levant (in press)
(Elder) Collection of Coins of Alexander the Great, 300 illus., AA 1907, p. 160, May, NC 1952, pp. 1-18, illus., Mosser, NNM 97 (1941), nos. 18-52, illus., Newell, Reattribulion, pp. 34-62, illus.; Sidon-Ake, p. 57, illus.; NNM 19 (1923), illus. (4826 specimens listed; details of further 1062 noted by Newell subsequently, in ANS file, See pp. 146-7 for citation of Dattari for presence of Ptolemy I specimens); Tarsos. p. 109, illus., Num 1909, p. 9, Torrey, NNM 77 (1937), illus.
Dutilh, JIAN 1898, pp. 148-56 (details of Side specimens, dates only of Ptolemaic; latter could presumably be of the series attributed by Regling to Ptolemy XII second reign and Cleopatra VII), Mowat, CorNum, p. 189