Hoard Description
- Deposit: 165 B.C.-160 B.C.
- Discovery: 1929
- Disposition: Yale; New York
- Description: Triobol: 223, Drachma: 6, Didrachm: 1
- Description: Arcadia
- Falls Within: Arcadia (Greece)
- Ancient Place: Arcadia
- Type: second level subdivisions (political entities)
- Reference: Crosby-Grace, NNM 74 (1936), 44 pp., illus.
- Reference: Dengate, ANSMN 13 (1967), pp. 105-6 (Megalopolis)
- Reference: Thompson, NNM 159 (1968), pp. 91-2, 110-5
- Reference: Warren, ANSMN 15 (1969), pp. 31-40 (Megalopolis)
- Note: See no. 260 below (Noe 802)
- Note: * The coin is in the ANS. Newell attributed it to Cleitor