Description du trésor
- Dépôt: 340 B.C.-330 B.C.
- Découverte: 1961
- Disposition: Athens
- Description: Statère: 11, Drachme: 4, Tétradrachme: 2, Triobole: 1
Lieu de découverte
- Description: Vergina, Macedonia
- Falls Within: Vergina (Greece)
- Ancient Place: Aigeai
- Type: inhabited places
- Référence: Varoucha, BCH 1962, pp. 417-8, illus. (6)
- Note: The burial date assumes that the 11 bronzes of Alexander III and the 2 of Cassander, which are tentatively associated with the hd. in the BCH, are in reality intrusions like other later coins