Hoard Description
- Deposit: 370 B.C.-330 B.C.
- Discovery: 1866-1867
- Disposition: dispersed
- Description: Stater: 6, Hekte: 3
- Description: Taman' Peninsula, Krasnodar Territory, RSFSR
- Falls Within: Tamanskiy Poluostrov (Russia)
- Type: peninsulas
- Reference: Goertz, Drevnosti 2 (Moscow, 1870), pp. 236-8 (letters from Liutsenko) = Arkheologicheskaia topografiia Tamanskogo poluostrova (Moscow, 1870), pp. 45-6 = Sobranie sochinenii I (St. Petersburg, 1898), pp. 54-5
- Reference: Liutsenko, p. 26
- Reference: Zograph, "Zolotye monety," 3, 5
- Reference: Shelov, VDI 1949, no. 2, pp. 96-7
- Note: Shelov considers this a hd.; Zograph, a find of separate coins. Liutsenko, in his letter to Goertz, speaks of a find, provenance unknown, of "two gold double Cyzicene staters and three quarter-staters, a few silver coins of Apollonia, three gold staters of Panticapaeum, etc."