Descrierea tezaurului
- Depozit: 400 B.C.-300 B.C.
- Descoperire: before 1950
- Dispunere: dispersed
- Descriere: Didrahmă: 1+, Drahmă: 1+, Diobol: 1+, Obol: 1+, Tritartemorion: 1+, Trihemitetartemorion: 1+, Litra: 1+, Half-litra: 1+
Loc de descoperire
- Descriere: Calabria
- Falls Within: Reggio Calabria (Italy)
- Ancient Place: Rhegion/Regium
- Tip: inhabited places
- Observaţie: A note in the ANS states that there were "literally hundreds of varieties of these small pieces with varying symbols and letters, many unlisted in the Vlasto catalogue"