Define Tanımı
- Depolama: 280 B.C.
- Keşif: 1927
- Tahsis: Reggio (in 1969) 4 (1 Croton dumpy incuse; 1 Croton Apollo hd./ tripod; 1 Velia; 1 Pegasus)
- Tanım: Stater: 21
Buluntu Yeri
- Tanım: Vibo Valentia (= Hipponium; formerly Monteleone), Bruttium
- Falls Within: Vibo Valentia (Italy)
- Ancient Place: Hipponion/Vibo Valentia
- Tip: inhabited places
- Referans: Toraldo, NSc 1928, p. 240
- Referans: Catanuto, NSc 1932, pp. 393-4
- Not: The hd. was originally reported to contain Metapontum, Thurium, Velia and Locri, which is probably the most reliable description of its contents. The material eventually confiscated consisted of the last four items above, together with a miscellany of Greek, Roman and modern AE