Avellino, Opuscoli diversi 2 (Naples, 1833), pp. 85, 167, Jenkins, Gela, p. 148, Mommsen, Hist. de la monn. rom. 1 (Paris, 1865), p. 151, Sambon, Recherches, p. 28
AR. Pot hoard: Uncertain count noted in IGCH including 6 [uncertain], which each has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to at least 6 coins
Babelon, Mélanges 3, pp. 41-8 = RN 1894, pp. 278-85 (mistakenly attributes to this tetradr. of Samos with prow symbol), Barron, Samos, pp. 43, 178-9, von Sallet, ZfN 1876, pp. 135-6, illus.; 1878, pp. 103-5
Gabrici, RIN 1894, pp. 415-7; 1895, p. 30, Gutmann-Schwabacher, MitBayNumGes 1929, pp.101 ff., Kraay, Greek Coins and History (London, 1969), pp. 32-4, Seltmann, ZfN 1895, pp. 165-82, illus.
Evans, NC 1894, pp. 201-16, illus., Herzfelder, Rhegion, pp. 47-8, Jenkins, Gela, pp. 66-7, 160, Kraay, Greek Coins and History (London, 1969), pp. 35-7